Nov 26, 2008

Castelo de Óbidos

Óbidos é difícil de descrever sem a tentação de usar hipérbole. A vila parece quase demasiado perfeita para os sentidos. Este castelo domina o conjunto de casas tradicionais belamente caiadas e devidamente protegidas pela tão bem preservada muralha medieval.

Óbidos is difficult to describe without the temptation to use hiperbole. The village almost seems too perfect for the senses. This castle towers over the traditional whitewashed houses huddling within the well preserved medieval walls.

Aguarela, 28 x 38 cm, on rigid watercolor board


  1. Está muito bonita.

  2. This is a striking painting. I like the dark trees contrasted with the tawny nuances of the structure.
