Aug 15, 2009


Esta aguarela foi pintada há muitos…muitos…anos (circa 1985) quando o meu interesse neste meio de pintura estava a florescer.

This watercolor was painted many…many…years ago (circa 1985) when my interest in painting in this medium started to bloom.
Aguarela, 11 x 15 In, Papel Strathmore


  1. I was looking today at most of yoau works. I copy part of them for study the way you are using the light. In deed you can full a gallery. I find more than one hundred of them. I coudn´t tell which is more beautifull.
    I arrived at my no three, but I want to reach knoledge and techique for my own pleasure.
    By now time and meanings are a problem.
    I like your earlier painting.

  2. Thank you giuliaszavo, you are very kind.
    Today's life is very agitated for most of us. Hopefully, we will continue to find some time to pursue our interest in painting.
    Best Regards.

  3. As árvores parecem-me ser bétulas, também apelidadas de "noivas da floresta", pelos tons claros da sua casca.

  4. Com efeito são bétulas. Estas arvores são muito piturescas e geralmente acrescentam interesse a uma fotografia, ou como neste caso, uma aguarela. Obrigado pela visita.
