Aug 2, 2009

Alentejo - Moinho - Windmill

Aqui está o segundo dos dois esboços "meia-hora" que fiz este fim de semana no meu caderno.
Here is the second of the two half-hour sketches I added to my sketchbook this weekend.

Tinta da China aguarelada, Caderno Moleskine


  1. Meias-horas bem proveitosas.
    Gosto dos azuis, quer do bonito céu, quer dos rodapés em ambas as construções.
    Está visto que vai ser um caderno bem recheado.

  2. Paulo, página a página, o caderno vai-se enchendo. O tamanho pequeno dos trabalhos força-nos a simplificar e condensar. Obrigado.

  3. if you are capable of painting even one sketch like this in two and a half hour I´m imagining that you have to have a whole galery by now.
    My regards.

  4. jiulia, I think I could fill a small gallery by now. Maybe it will be my project for have a small studio and gallery. I can keep busy dusting off the paintings on the wall :)

  5. I made my first pencil draw in my hole life. I`m very happy and satisfyed. So I will continnue. Some day I`ll have too waterpaintings. I`m happy like a child. Even if I release that it is a long way for arrive at yous skills.

  6. giulia, we never stop learning. I have a lot to learn too but if we enjoy drawing and painting, the more we practice, the better we get. Let's get to work!
    I liked your church drawing!
    Obrigado pela visita.

  7. Bela aguarela!
    Onde se localiza o modelo?
    Centro litoral?
    Sul do país?

  8. Bertilia, obrigado pelo comentario.
    O modelo original situa-se a Norte de Serpa, na estrada para Moura. A casa estava quase totalmente escondida pelas arvores. Eu tomei a liberdade de "cortar" as arvores mais inconvenientes.
