Noutro tópico, eu quero agradecer ao pela distinção que generosamente deu a este meu modesto sítio de "Blogue da Semana" . E pelo interesse neste seu autor, que originou uma pequena entrevista por email que se pode encontrar aqui. Muitos agradecimentos.
This house caught my attention with its whitewashed walls and blooming bouganvilea. It is in the Algarve, the southern province where many Portuguese and other Europeans like to spend their Summer vacation on the beach. I myself would not mind doing it right now – it’s still Summer – but I will have to wait for another day.
On another topic, I want to thank for generously designating my modest site as "Blog of the Week". And for the interest in its author –yours truly – that originated an email interview that can be found here (in Portuguese). Many thanks.
Aguarela, 25 x 35 cm, papel Arches