Jun 30, 2009

Nossa Senhora dos Remédios

Finalmente tive hoje oportunidade de voltar a pintar um pouco. Este Santuário fica no alto de uma alta colina de onde se pode apreciar tambem a bucólica e bela Cidade de Lamego.

Finally had a chance today to paint a little. This Church sits on top of a large hill overlooking the bucolic and beautiful City of Lamego.

Aguarela, 20 x 28 cm, Papel Fabriano, Cold Press


  1. The dark green garden in front of the white buildings is absolutely gorgeous. This city looks very clean and a nice place to visit. It gives a feeling of warmth and tranquility. The Southern Jewel

  2. Thank you Jewel for your generous comment. I am now going thru a hurried phase where time for painting is hard to find. Hopefully, I will return to my old routine soon.
    Thanks again.
