Jun 18, 2009

Castelo de Longroiva - Longroiva Castle

Passei por aqui em 2004. O conjunto da vila no topo da colina, enquadrada com o castelo e a igreja fez-me tirar muitas mais fotos do que tinha planeado.

I came by this place in 2004. The beautiful setting of the hilltop village, castle and church made me take a lot more photos than I had planned.

Aguarela 22 x 30 cm, Papel Fabriano Rough


  1. Um belo céu "dramático", que casa bem com o rude granito do castelo.
    Um bom fim-de-semana!

  2. Brent and Paulo thanks for the visit and comments. Have a great weekend.

  3. Muy bellos trabajos al igual que vos me gustan las acuarelas, saludos de Bs As, Argentina.-

  4. Vanina, Muchas Gracias, saludos de Memphis.

  5. very nice. watching your paintings will allow me to learn from you and in the same time I will learn portugues . Thanks.

  6. Thank you so much, giulia. OBRIGADO.
