Feb 23, 2010

Torre do Relógio

Não sei bem o nome desta torre na bela Vila de Vidago. Chamemos-lhe a Torre do Relógio. Um apontamento duma visita em 2004.

I don’t quite know the name of this stone tower in the beautiful Village of Vidago. Let’s call it the Clock Tower.
From a visit in 2004.

Aguarela, 12.7 x 17.8 cm, papel Fabriano Hot Press


  1. The Southern Jewel2/24/10, 11:09 AM

    Is this beautiful clock tower located by Vidago Palace Hotel? That whole area of Portugal is breath-taking. I loved the fact that you show all the details of the clock! This is a beautiful work of art!

  2. Yes Jewel, this is close to the Palace Hotel. There is a lot to see here. Thanks so much for the comment.

  3. I was very busy lately, and I had to let painting hobby for a while. I´m happy to see that you´d paint a lot. I started only yesterday. My best wishes y un abrazo!!

  4. Thank you, gracias giuliaszavo. Good to know that you found some more time for painting.
    Otro abrazo.

  5. Bela imagem de uma região cheia de motivos de interesse. O recorte da torre contra o céu tempestuoso está excelente!

  6. Obrigado Paulo. Estou a gostar de usar o papel liso (hot press) que ate' aqui raramente usava.

  7. Concordo com o Paulo. Belas cores quentes num excelente efeito com o céu tempestuoso. Bonita aguarela!

  8. Olá Luís,
    Eu tenho esta mania de usar céus carregados. Podia-me dar para pior…
