Mar 16, 2010

Casa Senhorial

Continuando a encher a pouco e pouco o meu caderno Moleskine…esta bonita casa senhorial com a capela pode ser encontrada no Lugar d’Além em Beijós, Beira Alta.

Slowly but surely filling my Moleskine sketchbook…this stately old house and chapel can be found in Beijós, Beira Alta.

Tinta da China e aguarela, 10x15cm


  1. Just very few colours, and how nice. You are better teacher then those from the tutorials. I´ll try to do it one day. I like this very much. Of course, if it doesn´t disturb you.


  2. For more colors, see the chapel de Nossa Senhora das Areias (Our Lady of the Sands) as the John the Baptist procession goes by on 23-June.
    This classic house dates from the XVII and was owned by the nobleman Dom João de Ornelas e Gamboa, and his wife Dona Joana da Veiga who are buried there.
    Come enjoy the village summer festival traditions which you can see here

  3. Thank you giuliaszavo. I enjoy these sketches, they are simple and quick.

    Beijoz, Thank you for the historical notes, I was curious about this house. I wish I could make it there in June.

  4. I make my sketch, but I don´t have courage too put colour into. Of course, I have a still a lot to learn.
    My best wishes to you... and have a nice weekend!

  5. Também gostei muito deste trabalho, com tinta e pouca cor.

  6. Thank you, obrigado Giuliaszavo and Luis.
