Jan 22, 2014

Barn, Finger Lakes

Almost every weekend we go driving around the area, armed with a camera, and enjoy the beautiful country surroundings while gathering material for my painting hobby.

Quase todos os fins-de-semana, nós saímos para explorar estas areas rurais tão bonitas nesta area. Sempre armados com uma câmara claro está. Isso fornece muito material para o meu passatempo favorito, o desenho e pintura.

Watercolor with Pen and Ink, Sketchbook.


  1. The Southern Jewel1/23/14, 12:57 PM

    The shadow on the building makes this painting come alive. You are a very talented person!

  2. Thanks Jewel, you are too kind.
    I do like the transparency of this painting - I am not always able to get it.
