Ah… de volta ás minhas orígens, á minha infância! Esta vetusta casa na Póvoa da Pégada data do Século XVIII e eu tive o grande previlégio de lá ter vivido a minha juventude. Na “Regada” regava o milho e queixava-me da pele queimada não só pelas folhas dessa planta mas também pelas folhas das abóboras que mais abrasivas eram ainda. No entanto, este lugar era o centro do mundo para mim e era o único lugar onde encontrava a paz interior. A velha oliveira sucumbiu á nova estrada. Mas encontrei a Casa belamente restaurada e espero voltar a vê-la no próximo ano.
Ah…back to my origins, to my childhood! This old house dates from the Eighteenth Century and I was previleged to have grown up here. I used to water the corn and complain about the skin rashes from that plant, but especially from the pumpkin plants scattered in the middle. Nevertheless, this was the center of my world, the only place where I would find inner peace. The old olive tree is gone, a victim of the new road. But I found the House beautifully restored, and I hope to come by again next year.
Tinta da China, 1986
Ah…back to my origins, to my childhood! This old house dates from the Eighteenth Century and I was previleged to have grown up here. I used to water the corn and complain about the skin rashes from that plant, but especially from the pumpkin plants scattered in the middle. Nevertheless, this was the center of my world, the only place where I would find inner peace. The old olive tree is gone, a victim of the new road. But I found the House beautifully restored, and I hope to come by again next year.
Tinta da China, 1986